
Need advice for HR issue

I work at a restaurant. I started about a month ago. There has been an employee working here who has been extremely problematic. He says racist things such as “The farther East you go, the stupider they get! I hate when I see Russians or Arabs in here just staring up at the menu like it's their first time reading English.” He also said “The reason people do DoorDash is because they're so fucking stupid they don't even know how to get papers so they don't even belong in this country at all.” He also talks about going to the shooting range and lots of politics, which I don't really feel is appropriate at work. Exactly 2 weeks ago today I had a conversation with my GM and let him know I'm not comfortable with the comments that this person has been making. He told me that he would follow…

I work at a restaurant. I started about a month ago. There has been an employee working here who has been extremely problematic. He says racist things such as “The farther East you go, the stupider they get! I hate when I see Russians or Arabs in here just staring up at the menu like it's their first time reading English.” He also said “The reason people do DoorDash is because they're so fucking stupid they don't even know how to get papers so they don't even belong in this country at all.” He also talks about going to the shooting range and lots of politics, which I don't really feel is appropriate at work. Exactly 2 weeks ago today I had a conversation with my GM and let him know I'm not comfortable with the comments that this person has been making. He told me that he would follow up with me. Surprise! He never did. So today, I went upstairs and talked to him again and asked what the status is and told him about another innapropriate comment that he made a few days ago when there were children standing right there listening. My GM straight up asked me “Well, have you ever just told him to shut the fuck up?” Honestly, I don't think it should be my responsibilty to do that. It is the company's responsibility to take care of things like this. I don't feel that my GM is taking this seriously. When I got hired, in my paperwork I saw how I can just go straight to HR, and they had an email to contact them directly. Should I just do that and go over his head? Before I reported this to my GM at all 2 weeks ago, I contemplated just going straight to HR in the first place. Before people tell me to just quit, I really like the food here, the pay isn't bad and everything else about this company is really good except for the fact that this guy works here. Any advice for what I should do now would be really appreciated.

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