
Need advice. Got fired

So here's the situation. It's a tiny bit of a long/short one. You'll see. So I started working a new job on Nov 28th of this year which was a Monday. That same thursday I had to call off because my mom's blood sugar spiked to 389 and I had to administer her insulin and monitor her because her sugar doesn't go up that high regularly. On Friday for some reason I started to feel like shit and it just got worse over the weekend. On Monday I showed up to work in uniform but before even punching in, I went to my managers office and let 'em know that I wanted to go home because I did not feel good AT ALL. You can hear it in my voice, it was raspy and my nose was congested so you can HEAR that I was sick he did mention that.…

So here's the situation. It's a tiny bit of a long/short one. You'll see.

So I started working a new job on Nov 28th of this year which was a Monday. That same thursday I had to call off because my mom's blood sugar spiked to 389 and I had to administer her insulin and monitor her because her sugar doesn't go up that high regularly. On Friday for some reason I started to feel like shit and it just got worse over the weekend. On Monday I showed up to work in uniform but before even punching in, I went to my managers office and let 'em know that I wanted to go home because I did not feel good AT ALL. You can hear it in my voice, it was raspy and my nose was congested so you can HEAR that I was sick he did mention that. I should be careful because I just started and I'm on probation. Which is understood but I had trouble even driving to work, I couldn't work.

Tuesday came along and I still felt like absolute shit. So I showed up and working through til lunchtime. After my lunch I felt extremely nauseous and even went to the employee bathroom and vomited profusely. (Mind you the managers office is like 10ft from the bathroom)

Once I got out, my other coworkers overheard my struggle in the bathroom and suggested I let the manager know that I don't feel well and that I should leave early (it was 1pm and thr place closes at 5) so I did that and the manager said that if I'm feeling sick then I should go. I had even mentioned if it were to negatively impact me but that I do understand I just started. BUT I just wasn't feeling well. So like I said, she said go home since I'm not feeling well.

Next morning, which was yesterday December 7th I arrive, still sick and try to punch in only to find out my login credentials weren't working and I was already started to breathe fast. 10 secs later I get called into the managers office to a phone call telling me I was terminated and they had me sign papers due to excessive absenteeism. So I left.

On my way home, because I thought I mightve gotten the flu, I bought some covid tests just to exclude the worst and lo' and behold both tests in the kit came out positive for covid. I then called to every doctor clinic I could and found one to do a more accurate test and once again, they verified it was covid. Got a doctor's note and everything stating so.

So I sent an email to my workplace (OR previous workplace) letting them know that I was and currently am sick from covid and to reconsider hiring me and waited for their email.

They got back to me and told me that for the 4.5 days I was there I had my highs and lows but they're still not going to not rehire me.As far as I know and that I was being told, I was doing good. They said they evaluated those 4.5 days and that their decision was final and that they didnt fire me because i was sick, they said a lot of people in the workplace get sick and still have their jobs there. So now he's saying I was let go based on performance over those 4.5 days I was there. I'm so lost and feel backstabbing for some reason. Anyone have advice on what to do?

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