
Need advice on a bogus write up + final warning

Some context, I work at an airport and I also have a union (Transport Workers Union) Today I get called to the office, my supervisors hand me a write up and a final warning for “tardiness” however there are 3 issues with it. 1: I was told I have 11.5 points but the write ups only have 7 tardies listed on it. 2: There are 6 tardies and 1 absent day. The 6 tardies are all less than 2 minutes. The supervisors told me there is no grace period and if you are even a minute late then that counts as a tardy. (Worked here over a year and never heard of this) 3: I requested to see the sign in sheets, and more than half of the tardies listed aren't actually tardies. I was at work on time and even wrote down the correct time I arrived at work.…

Some context, I work at an airport and I also have a union (Transport Workers Union)

Today I get called to the office, my supervisors hand me a write up and a final warning for “tardiness” however there are 3 issues with it.

1: I was told I have 11.5 points but the write ups only have 7 tardies listed on it.

2: There are 6 tardies and 1 absent day. The 6 tardies are all less than 2 minutes. The supervisors told me there is no grace period and if you are even a minute late then that counts as a tardy. (Worked here over a year and never heard of this)

3: I requested to see the sign in sheets, and more than half of the tardies listed aren't actually tardies. I was at work on time and even wrote down the correct time I arrived at work. Sometimes I just forget to clock in and other times the machine doesn't work.

So, 3 of the 6 tardys (excluding the absent day) shouldn't be listed as tardies because I was at work on time and wrote it down on the sign in sheet. Instead of changing my clock in time they ignored it and listed it as a tardy instead. They could not tell me how those tardies equal 11.5 points.

They told me I had more tardies than was listed on the write up, but it doesn't make sense why they would exclude those on the write up itself.

The write up and the final both state I was notified of the write ups a few weeks ago, but I was not made aware. I heard rumors I had a write up and had 3 separate supervisors try to find it but they couldn't.

I requested a union representative to be here tomorrow to discuss the write up and final, is there any tips or things I should or can do to get these bogus tardies wiped? Any way I can try and change our companies policy to allow a grace period for clock ins? Thanks in advance for any help~

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