
Need help deciding next steps

So I very briefly worked at a new job (3 weeks). I was let go for stupid reasons – they brought me on to help fix their customer service issue but fired me when their staff complained that they brought a manager on. Side note I am by no means a difficult manager in my opinion. I take care to learn my people, find out their strengths, and I go to bat for employees to get raises when they deserve it. Not that that’s relevant but considering the sub I’m in I wanted to note that yes I am a manager and management sucks but I try to do it the right way. So anyways. I was owed my last paycheck. It took them TWO WEEKS to send it by mail. Then my bank flags the check as fraudulent. The bank kept insisting they needed to speak with the person…

So I very briefly worked at a new job (3 weeks). I was let go for stupid reasons – they brought me on to help fix their customer service issue but fired me when their staff complained that they brought a manager on. Side note I am by no means a difficult manager in my opinion. I take care to learn my people, find out their strengths, and I go to bat for employees to get raises when they deserve it. Not that that’s relevant but considering the sub I’m in I wanted to note that yes I am a manager and management sucks but I try to do it the right way.

So anyways. I was owed my last paycheck. It took them TWO WEEKS to send it by mail. Then my bank flags the check as fraudulent. The bank kept insisting they needed to speak with the person who wrote the check to verify it wasn’t fraud or whatever. So I call the bank five times every day for a full week because the only time the bank would try to call is when I was on the phone asking them to. The business/owner HUNG UP OR REFUSED TO SPEAK WITH MY BANK EVERY TIME! It ended up getting resolved with the bank and I was able to get my money thankfully but I’m pissed this happened and how unprofessionally they handled it. They truthfully put me behind on my bills and it’s going to take me a while to get back on track from all of this.

So at this point I have my money so I don’t think the labor department would do anything with this situation. But I want to retaliate in some way, I’m just not sure how. I’m thinking of plastering reviews on job sites warning others of applying but I’m not sure if that’s the right way to go or not. Just looking for other opinions on this situation before I act.

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