
Need help emailing manager that they need to stop asking me to do duties outside of my job

A previous post for more context: Short background: Our GM quit suddenly in april. So the assistant gm became acting gm with operations manager title. I got a promotion to front desk manager, but acting as assistant gm. We received the appropriate raises for our official titles, but at the end of the summer, we would be told if we got the final promotion and raise. So we basically did a higher role at a lower cost for the summer. Well they did get the GM role. But then they got to decide my fate and decided not to give me the Ass. GM and I would stay as Front Desk manager. Fine. Whatever. BUT they keep trying to get me to do housekeeping. They have called me on my days off to come in and do HOUSEKEEPING. After they decided I would be FRONT DESK manager. To me,…

A previous post for more context:

Short background: Our GM quit suddenly in april. So the assistant gm became acting gm with operations manager title. I got a promotion to front desk manager, but acting as assistant gm. We received the appropriate raises for our official titles, but at the end of the summer, we would be told if we got the final promotion and raise. So we basically did a higher role at a lower cost for the summer.

Well they did get the GM role. But then they got to decide my fate and decided not to give me the Ass. GM and I would stay as Front Desk manager. Fine. Whatever.

BUT they keep trying to get me to do housekeeping. They have called me on my days off to come in and do HOUSEKEEPING. After they decided I would be FRONT DESK manager. To me, it feels they are still basically asking me to do the work of Assistant GM, yet denying me the title and raise of one and I am not okay with that.

I have told them each time they asked, that I cannot, but I want to actually tell them to stop asking me to do work outside of my position.

I am trying to draft an email but am struggling. I would really like some advice and criticism on what to say.

“I am writing this email as a request to not continue to be asked to do housekeeping related tasks.

I do have a bad lower back that acts up quite often and gets aggravated very quickly and often causes me to lose the ability to walk for a while, and housekeeping duties present a physical challenge that are currently not worth taking. I do understand that housekeeping is short-staffed and no one is applying, but it is not worth my physical health especially just as the Front Desk Manager. It also is quite unfair to ask me to basically do the Assistant General Manager position yet have denied me the promotion/raise.”

And please dont just tell me to quit, I would have if I could and I am watching for other jobs.

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