
Need help resigning from a business whilst keeping my second job

This needs context or it'll be confusing. My boss owns a sub store (SS) and a pizza place (PP), I work for both. Said boss is out of the country and has a stand in manager at SS and supervisor at PP running the places. I'm happy at the PP, while it can be stressful and a pain some days, I have fun there. I'm absolutely miserable at the SS though. Here's a few reasons why; I don't get my legal breaks for pretty much any of my shifts I work alone half of my shifts on days I close, which is stressful and feels dangerous with the amount of money in the till and because I'm a female I got laughed at by stand in manager when I brought up I don't get breaks, and offered nothing to ensure I get provided them. Felt his response was unprofessional, him…

This needs context or it'll be confusing. My boss owns a sub store (SS) and a pizza place (PP), I work for both. Said boss is out of the country and has a stand in manager at SS and supervisor at PP running the places.

I'm happy at the PP, while it can be stressful and a pain some days, I have fun there. I'm absolutely miserable at the SS though. Here's a few reasons why;

I don't get my legal breaks for pretty much any of my shifts

I work alone half of my shifts on days I close, which is stressful and feels dangerous with the amount of money in the till and because I'm a female

I got laughed at by stand in manager when I brought up I don't get breaks, and offered nothing to ensure I get provided them. Felt his response was unprofessional, him saying “well I don't at my other job either.”

Stand in manager has asked me and only me to cover multiple shifts, I'm not allowed to say no because “no one else will cover” (he refuses to cover it himself)

There's a couple other reasons, and I know this all might seem minor, but these things can build up fast and after I got laughed at, I was done. When I was told that I have to cover someone's shift next Friday when I'm needed at PP (busiest day, most staff must be there, including all delivery drivers, which is what I am), he would not listen to me or my PP supervisor telling him no. We just lost a driver so we are incredibly short staffed there and the one person who can “cover” HATES deliveries and wont take them.

So I'm saying fuck it and leaving (before that Friday too, I'm only required to give 1 weeks notice where I live). How do I word my resignation to avoid losing my PP job whilst making it clear I'm done at the SS? Any suggestions will help, I'll be sending it tomorrow. I'm aware that I very well could lose my other job, but I'm hoping that my boss will recognize how screwed he would be in that situation and do everything he can to avoid it.

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