
Need job advice

Hi, I’m 18 and really need to find a job. I dropped out of high school because I have some pretty severe mental health issues/struggle with chronic pain and nerve disc stuff and that’s also why I stopped working. But now my income is unreliable and it’s creating severe stress which is just making my health worse. I just want to get started on building my life and not having to go without so much. I live in the US and the work culture here is not very healthy for people like me. I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone here knew of good websites or forums to search for jobs that actually pay well and aren’t misleading or have impossible expectations. Or some job site that doesn’t involve me killing my body. I’m tired of going on indeed to be told I need a masters for…

Hi, I’m 18 and really need to find a job. I dropped out of high school because I have some pretty severe mental health issues/struggle with chronic pain and nerve disc stuff and that’s also why I stopped working. But now my income is unreliable and it’s creating severe stress which is just making my health worse. I just want to get started on building my life and not having to go without so much.
I live in the US and the work culture here is not very healthy for people like me. I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone here knew of good websites or forums to search for jobs that actually pay well and aren’t misleading or have impossible expectations. Or some job site that doesn’t involve me killing my body.
I’m tired of going on indeed to be told I need a masters for 12$ an hour or that I have to work every single day for 8+ hours and I won’t have time to study for my GED. Lol! Any insight or recommendations would be appreciated

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