
Need some advice on a situation at work/rant about it

Hey everyone, I was gone on vacation last month on time off, starting late November to early December. Reason being was family emergency and I was going back to visit said family during Christmas anyways (I live across the country from them). Now I’m a part time employee at a semi big retail business, and have been struggling to get more hours. I had some back problems that since I had started working have gotten better. However, my manager sees my back pain as a detriment and has cut my hours when I’ve been asking for more and potentially full time, mainly due to the fact she does not want to give me benefits if I got injured at work. (This is a rumor however we have 2 other people in my department, it’s definitely reasonable that this is more than a rumor.) I returned home and had a few…

Hey everyone, I was gone on vacation last month on time off, starting late November to early December. Reason being was family emergency and I was going back to visit said family during Christmas anyways (I live across the country from them).

Now I’m a part time employee at a semi big retail business, and have been struggling to get more hours. I had some back problems that since I had started working have gotten better. However, my manager sees my back pain as a detriment and has cut my hours when I’ve been asking for more and potentially full time, mainly due to the fact she does not want to give me benefits if I got injured at work. (This is a rumor however we have 2 other people in my department, it’s definitely reasonable that this is more than a rumor.)

I returned home and had a few days to settle in, and my schedule was as usual on the app I used, and my manager essentially said back to the status quo. So I went in today and realized she had cut me from 25-30 hours a week to one, ONE shift on a Saturday.

I don’t know how to proceed, I have bills to pay and can’t exactly wait that long and am entirely stranded. I want advice on what to do, would HR help? They haven’t helped me at all in the past, or should I work with something else?

Thanks guys ◡̈

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