
Never get to spend time with my partner thanks to shitty work schedules.

My partner and I work completely opposite schedules, Mine is 9 am to 6 PM Tuesday through Saturday, this is 9pm to 6 AM Friday through Wednesday. (Meaning he has Wednesdays and Thursdays off.) I work for a hospital, in their IT department, he works as a security guard for a casino. Both of us have asked our bosses to change schedules, both of us have seen our bosses give schedule changes to other people who haven't been there as long as we have… If either one of us had our requests granted we would at least have 1 day off a week together… I fucking hate it… I just want a day off with the man I am going to marry….

My partner and I work completely opposite schedules, Mine is 9 am to 6 PM Tuesday through Saturday, this is 9pm to 6 AM Friday through Wednesday. (Meaning he has Wednesdays and Thursdays off.)

I work for a hospital, in their IT department, he works as a security guard for a casino.

Both of us have asked our bosses to change schedules, both of us have seen our bosses give schedule changes to other people who haven't been there as long as we have… If either one of us had our requests granted we would at least have 1 day off a week together…

I fucking hate it… I just want a day off with the man I am going to marry….

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