
Never gonna work hard again

Spent my youth working retail, fast food and public facing laborious jobs and now I’m facing middle age with no retirement no savings and i’d have nothing without snap, wic and medicaid, why should I work hard ever again? i’ll have no retirement, probably never own a home and my body is starting to fail after several health problems, if I wasn’t poor I’d have no healthcare. My husband hasn’t realized that he shouldn’t work hard and still gives his all to a guy who will take and take and act like he’s poor, he’s a slumlord that wants to have a million dollars in savings liquid cash and he does this by paying nothing and taking everything and I can’t say a word to him because i’m supposed to feel lucky that we get 2,000 a month for my husband working full time… my husband who’s in need of…

Spent my youth working retail, fast food and public facing laborious jobs and now I’m facing middle age with no retirement no savings and i’d have nothing without snap, wic and medicaid, why should I work hard ever again? i’ll have no retirement, probably never own a home and my body is starting to fail after several health problems, if I wasn’t poor I’d have no healthcare. My husband hasn’t realized that he shouldn’t work hard and still gives his all to a guy who will take and take and act like he’s poor, he’s a slumlord that wants to have a million dollars in savings liquid cash and he does this by paying nothing and taking everything and I can’t say a word to him because i’m supposed to feel lucky that we get 2,000 a month for my husband working full time… my husband who’s in need of rehab and mental health treatment for a life of barely getting by and childhood trauma from his parents who barely made it by, it’s endless and he’s probably working himself into an early grave by working so hard every day and being so stressed he drinks himself to sleep. what’s the point in contributing , in trying, we live in an area that will never pay well and the rent is unaffordable without government subsidies, when I go back to work we’ll lose our healthcare and support so the money I will make is already spent. And I’m one of the lucky ones, i have support from family and subsidies and help and I never foresee getting to retire, as soon as my kids are school age I’ll go back to work and probably work till I die from an untreated illness that I can’t afford to treat and I hope I can make it till my kids are grown. All this grind so like 2,000 people can be fat cats and sail their yachts in the carcass of the ocean that we are actively destroying. life feels bleak, I thought I’d have a home by now, or have a solid job or have things kinda figured out instead i’m just terrified of what the future holds.

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