
Never thought this day would come

I’ve applied to so many jobs that I meet all the criteria for and haven’t had a single call back. I’m sick of applying only to hear nothing. Applying for jobs and hearing nothing has made me resent corporate life to the fullest. I’m at the point where I’m just going to start lying on my resume. Apparently what’s on there isn’t good enough so time to start making some shit up. Fuck it I love when people are like “hate your job? Find a new one.” It’s not that easy, bucko. The system is absolutely broken. No wonder people stay in the jobs they hate forever. It’s not worth the headache of applying only to get turned down over and over again.

I’ve applied to so many jobs that I meet all the criteria for and haven’t had a single call back. I’m sick of applying only to hear nothing.

Applying for jobs and hearing nothing has made me resent corporate life to the fullest.

I’m at the point where I’m just going to start lying on my resume. Apparently what’s on there isn’t good enough so time to start making some shit up. Fuck it

I love when people are like “hate your job? Find a new one.” It’s not that easy, bucko. The system is absolutely broken.

No wonder people stay in the jobs they hate forever. It’s not worth the headache of applying only to get turned down over and over again.

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