
New 2023 goals… aka adding new job functions assuming analyst functions

Hi, I got a new job thank god! feel bad for my current coworkers who will be paid the same and having management move the goal posts, AGAIN! But over the past two years we have been having goal setting meetings… However in 2023 the managers wrote all of our goals for us. Essentially adding onto our daily job functions by requiring us all to do customer forecasting, data gathering, analyzing customer forecasting volume, as well as other analyst functions – the original job description is still a basic LC but now job functionality is branching into other positions responsibilities, that our company is trying to force onto the workers, rather than expanding the team and paying people for the job responsibilities they are trying to mine out of the team. Thoughts?


I got a new job thank god! feel bad for my current coworkers who will be paid the same and having management move the goal posts, AGAIN!

But over the past two years we have been having goal setting meetings…

However in 2023 the managers wrote all of our goals for us. Essentially adding onto our daily job functions by requiring us all to do customer forecasting, data gathering, analyzing customer forecasting volume, as well as other analyst functions – the original job description is still a basic LC but now job functionality is branching into other positions responsibilities, that our company is trying to force onto the workers, rather than expanding the team and paying people for the job responsibilities they are trying to mine out of the team.


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