
New Annual “Health Check” requested

I work for a large Canadian food manufacturing corporation, our facility has been bought and traded between different food empires several times and has thankfully stayed unionized throughout. During covid the corporation hired a nurse to be the health lead, who conveniently is married to a senior manager. As worries about covid wind down she has less to do and seems to be reaching. The latest was to unexpectedly post mandatory appointments with her for so far unheard of “annual health checks”. This was to include a physical, hearing and other checks. This was met by immediately pushback by the union membership. The union advised the members that apart from the hearing these were not mandatory, and that their personal health decision were theirs and theirs alone. I’m glad of this response and As someone who is extremely protective of my health information, I feel supported by my union. My…

I work for a large Canadian food manufacturing corporation, our facility has been bought and traded between different food empires several times and has thankfully stayed unionized throughout. During covid the corporation hired a nurse to be the health lead, who conveniently is married to a senior manager. As worries about covid wind down she has less to do and seems to be reaching. The latest was to unexpectedly post mandatory appointments with her for so far unheard of “annual health checks”. This was to include a physical, hearing and other checks. This was met by immediately pushback by the union membership. The union advised the members that apart from the hearing these were not mandatory, and that their personal health decision were theirs and theirs alone. I’m glad of this response and As someone who is extremely protective of my health information, I feel supported by my union. My big question is why they would do this in the first place? No corporation is going to do this for the goodness of their hearts. Nothing that this particular corporation does dealing with employee health is good for the employees that hasn’t been fought and bargained for or legislated. I’m wondering about attempting to purchase corporate owned insurance, though that would require our permission. Has anyone else dealt with this?

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