
New boss has me on FaceTime all day everyday as she “trains me” aka, does 1 hour of actual work and talks about nothing the other 8, how should I handle this?

I work for the federal government, and recently was promoted. I WFH 4 days a week. At my old job, I’ll be honest, the work was pretty nonexistent on days I didn’t go into the office, I had maybe an average of 1 hour of work per day. And then when I did go in I just sat there. This new position isn’t that that much more labor intensive, but the issue is, my boss has me on FaceTime all day everyday. This wouldn’t be a problem if I was actually being shown things, but it’s a lot of babbling about nothing mixed in there. And to be frank, my boss is an idiot. There are ways to complete tasks in 5 minutes that take her well over an hour to do. I don’t want to tell her his, as I want her to think it took me an hour…

I work for the federal government, and recently was promoted. I WFH 4 days a week. At my old job, I’ll be honest, the work was pretty nonexistent on days I didn’t go into the office, I had maybe an average of 1 hour of work per day. And then when I did go in I just sat there.

This new position isn’t that that much more labor intensive, but the issue is, my boss has me on FaceTime all day everyday. This wouldn’t be a problem if I was actually being shown things, but it’s a lot of babbling about nothing mixed in there. And to be frank, my boss is an idiot. There are ways to complete tasks in 5 minutes that take her well over an hour to do. I don’t want to tell her his, as I want her to think it took me an hour to do X, Y or Z (once she cuts me loose), but it’s so grating watching her take 2 hours (1 for “working” and an extra 1 for all the babbling about other stuff) to do something I can do with a few button clicks.

At what point do I tell her that the way she’s training me isn’t working for me? That it drains my social battery to talk to anyone for that long everyday? I don’t want to piss her off, because once I’m trained (at this rate, it won’t be for several months) the calls will stop and I can get my job done quickly again (if she can waste all day like this with me, this place is just as slow as my last one). TYIA!

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