
New Boss is doing things im not sure how to feel about

I have been at my job for over 22 years, me and my old boss has worked together for 17 of them. He was great but is retiring soon. I have a new boss that has taken the reigns over. He is a previous foreman, and is very business oriented. To be plain he is making my job much tougher than it should be. He is even rubbing others the wrong way, by being overbearing. So my job hired two summer help guys for a couple of months. As they are working he calls me and says that he is getting complaints about them (all I had heard from all my coworkers is they worked their butts off) and that I needed to basically watch over them. A few days ago he was telling me that he knew they went way over their break, and as he kept talking he…

I have been at my job for over 22 years, me and my old boss has worked together for 17 of them. He was great but is retiring soon. I have a new boss that has taken the reigns over. He is a previous foreman, and is very business oriented. To be plain he is making my job much tougher than it should be. He is even rubbing others the wrong way, by being overbearing.

So my job hired two summer help guys for a couple of months. As they are working he calls me and says that he is getting complaints about them (all I had heard from all my coworkers is they worked their butts off) and that I needed to basically watch over them. A few days ago he was telling me that he knew they went way over their break, and as he kept talking he was saying I seen them active on facebook. Later on I went and asked the two guys if they had him as a friend on fb? They both told me yes. I told them straight up to turn off the fb active option or to unfreind him. I dont think its right hes keeping an eye on them that way. They are both afraid of him now, and act like whipped dogs when he calls them. Whats your opinion of this?

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