
New Boss Keeps Trying to “Put Me in My Place”.

I got a new boss a few months ago. She’s been at the org in another department for a year and I’ve been in my department for 3 years. I applied for the promotion and didn’t get the job but I’m pretty sure she knows I applied. Her first meeting with me, she didn’t ask me a single question about my role/what I do or the programs I oversee. Instead, she just told me that she had read all the grant paperwork, understood everything, that I was doing it wrong, and that I need to have higher expectations. She’s been continuously trying to do shit like that to me. Most recently, she got upset with my call out procedure. I wasn’t feeling well today and went home at lunch. I wrote an email to my direct reports (about 6 people) telling them I’d be out, who they could contact if…

I got a new boss a few months ago. She’s been at the org in another department for a year and I’ve been in my department for 3 years. I applied for the promotion and didn’t get the job but I’m pretty sure she knows I applied.

Her first meeting with me, she didn’t ask me a single question about my role/what I do or the programs I oversee. Instead, she just told me that she had read all the grant paperwork, understood everything, that I was doing it wrong, and that I need to have higher expectations.

She’s been continuously trying to do shit like that to me. Most recently, she got upset with my call out procedure.

I wasn’t feeling well today and went home at lunch. I wrote an email to my direct reports (about 6 people) telling them I’d be out, who they could contact if they needed anything, and when I expected to be back. I ccd my new boss to loop her in/signal she didn’t need to do anything because I had already taken care of things.

She responds back, “next time, please email me to ask permission before telling the whole department.”

I’ve always operated under the assumption that as an adult/human, I don’t need permission to be sick and I’ve never had an issue with this before. Usually my supervisors are happy I make things easy for them.

Joke is on her though because there won’t be a next time. I’m resigning on Monday and I can’t ducking wait!

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