
New Boss, Same Shit

I’m disappointed. My work got bought out by another company. A company that does what we do but better. So they fired my boss and others who didn’t live in the community or close to it. They want people who live here to be the ones running things. Heavy emphasis on local. Our new GM came in and promised us he would not repeat the mistakes of past managers. They would vet extensively and hire my new direct boss to help me and my team improve and be better. I’ve never had that. Ever. My last two bosses were more concerned with stroking their egos and making themselves feel and look good than helping our teams improve. The GM even pulled me into his office to ask my opinion on one of the guys that applied because he'd worked here before in a nonmanagerial role. He wanted to know the…

I’m disappointed. My work got bought out by another company. A company that does what we do but better. So they fired my boss and others who didn’t live in the community or close to it. They want people who live here to be the ones running things. Heavy emphasis on local.

Our new GM came in and promised us he would not repeat the mistakes of past managers. They would vet extensively and hire my new direct boss to help me and my team improve and be better. I’ve never had that. Ever. My last two bosses were more concerned with stroking their egos and making themselves feel and look good than helping our teams improve. The GM even pulled me into his office to ask my opinion on one of the guys that applied because he'd worked here before in a nonmanagerial role. He wanted to know the good and the bad.

Due to technical upgrades, I didn’t have my email yesterday so missed the announcement of who they hired. They hired local and unfortunately, the guy they picked has a worse reputation than my last two bosses combined. Walked out of his last job by security, was basically demoted to a nothing position because of how he treated people, and lost all managerial duties. Someone only agreed to move to his department if he had zero input or say on their job and upper management agreed.

I am flabbergasted. How this dude got hired is beyond me. Everyone is shocked. There are people who have worked with him before and they can’t believe it. He must have had the world's best references or they must have been desperate because we can’t fathom how.

I don't know what to do. I'm currently 0/2 on bosses in my industry and this might make it 0/3.

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