
New job being sketch about my pay

I started this new job alomost a month ago now. The COO reached out to me on Indeed saying they have a position openthey felt I'd be a good fit for. I looked into the position details and felt I would be a perfect fit. Its basically the same thing I'd been doing for the past 5 years. Agreed to an interview and met with teh COO a few days later. 2 days after the interview, they sent me an offer. Slightly higher than what I was being paid at the moment., but with a note that afte 90 days I would transition into a different role with approx 30-40% higher wage. I verified that the 90 day period would not be a “porbation” period and had a new offer letter sent with this verbiage. Once received, I accepted the offer. (i was not in the office the day Iwas…

I started this new job alomost a month ago now.

The COO reached out to me on Indeed saying they have a position openthey felt I'd be a good fit for. I looked into the position details and felt I would be a perfect fit. Its basically the same thing I'd been doing for the past 5 years. Agreed to an interview and met with teh COO a few days later.

2 days after the interview, they sent me an offer. Slightly higher than what I was being paid at the moment., but with a note that afte 90 days I would transition into a different role with approx 30-40% higher wage. I verified that the 90 day period would not be a “porbation” period and had a new offer letter sent with this verbiage. Once received, I accepted the offer.

(i was not in the office the day Iwas paid; I was on a trip that was planned before i transitioned into this role)
Fast forward, first paycheck does not arrive. Iassumed it would be direct deposited but forgot it maky take a cycle or two before; so i would recevie a paper check. I call accounting and ask about my check.. they dont even have record that I even work here! All of the paperwork I gave to the COO on my first day was never submitted to the right people for processing. to their credit, they scramble to get me paid. They best they can do is have a direct transfer to my account a few days later. I understood.

The money arrives… several hundred dollars less than what it should have been. The only documentation provided along with the payment was an invoice for the dollar amount. Nothing stating which days i was paid for, tax deductions.. nothing. I reach out to account and ask for a more detailed document that shows all of this info. Its been a week and they still have yet to produce anything. Its starting to worry me.

I will give them until the next pay check to get their sh** together, but I've starting looking for other options. I've reached out to the job i just left asking if i could return, no answer yet. Though, I wouldnt be suprised if the answer was no; and I totally understand its not their issue.

So now im back on the hunt.

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