
New Job doesn’t description for fit what I applied for, or was told during interview, need advice

tldr: New job doesn't fit the discription or pay talked about during interview, afraid it will be a dead end, and don't know what to do. I just left a job in a field that I was very skilled in. It had a base pay of 15hr and then had commission on top of that. I used to make about 40k a year doing that, but recently switched to a new job. I've worked only a few so far, but initially the job posting was for a loan officer assistant position, and the pay range was anywhere from 50-150k. The job is located in a larger office building, and the interview went really well, and I was offered a job on the spot. I ended up accepting the job after being assured that I would make 15 and hour for the first 2-4 weeks and after the initial training I…

tldr: New job doesn't fit the discription or pay talked about during interview, afraid it will be a dead end, and don't know what to do.

I just left a job in a field that I was very skilled in. It had a base pay of 15hr and then had commission on top of that. I used to make about 40k a year doing that, but recently switched to a new job.

I've worked only a few so far, but initially the job posting was for a loan officer assistant position, and the pay range was anywhere from 50-150k. The job is located in a larger office building, and the interview went really well, and I was offered a job on the spot. I ended up accepting the job after being assured that I would make 15 and hour for the first 2-4 weeks and after the initial training I would be able to move into the position I had applied for.

My first day I found it odd that the two people who interviewed me did not talk to me, and I was then trained by a separate person for a telemarketing position. All day the conversation was about telemarketing with no clear conversation about the path for moving up. There was minor passing comments about being able to move up, but it seems like keeps being brushed off. There is a weird culture at the new job, where telemarketers are not allowed to talk to, or ask questions to the people working in the loan officer/assistant positions. After quick trainign I ended up on the computer and make 250 calls. After talking to one of my new telemarketer coworkers during lunch, I was suprised to know he already has a mortgage license, but has been there for a few weeks but works as a telemarketer. This worries me, since he is way more qualified than me, but has the same position. He was surprised how quick they told me training would be, stating that it took him 2 months to get his license at a previous company. Today I watched one of the telemarketers get called to the office and by the end of the day their desk was freed up. No one acknowledge that they had beed fired, but when a person I'm training with asked if the desk was free, the manager said it was. Side note: all the other trainees seem to be having a lot of fun and have been in good moods, but just can't figure out why? This company is newer, but it has absolutely no reviews from employees. It seems like a lot of the people in management know each other, or at least have for a while, and I feel like an outsider. I just eat lunch in my car, and I can't help but feeling like I'm going to break down due to the uncertainty and financial stress. Who knows, maybe in a month I'll move up, but I can't afford to make 15/hr for more than one month. The work isn't hard, and i feel like I've done well so far, but I have a lot of concerns.

I'm very stressed about money and life right now, and extremely disappointed and lost feeling. Do I go back to my old job and ask for it back? Do I wait a week or two to see if things work out?

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