
New Job is requiring me to take Non Paid PTO Days for Vacations I had previously booked

I (M29) recently accepted a new job from a fairly large company working in their e-commerce department. Before accepting the offer, I had communicated that I had two vacations that I had already booked for this summer and wanted to ensure I would still be able to go on them (One long weekend and the other for a week off). I was told this was no problem and I would be able to take those days off. I was provided documentation and my offer letter, none of which stated any specific restrictions or regulations around PTO other than the allotment I would receive. After asking multiple managers and HR of how to enter this into our system, I was told there is a 60 Day restriction from employees taking PTO and the long weekend I have planned in July will now result in Unpaid Days Offs. I am a bit…

I (M29) recently accepted a new job from a fairly large company working in their e-commerce department. Before accepting the offer, I had communicated that I had two vacations that I had already booked for this summer and wanted to ensure I would still be able to go on them (One long weekend and the other for a week off). I was told this was no problem and I would be able to take those days off.

I was provided documentation and my offer letter, none of which stated any specific restrictions or regulations around PTO other than the allotment I would receive. After asking multiple managers and HR of how to enter this into our system, I was told there is a 60 Day restriction from employees taking PTO and the long weekend I have planned in July will now result in Unpaid Days Offs. I am a bit frustrated because no where in the employee handbook, offer letter, email communication, or conversations was this ever brought up.

I am happy I will still be able to take the days but frustrated that I will lose 3 days pay over something that was not communicated or documented anywhere. I'm fairly new to this company and it is a bit small, I can tell there is alot of old ways of thought happening here but I am not sure what to do.

Should I raise my concerns to upper management and fight for me to still receive my pay? Should I just deal with this as a new employee and not ruffle too many feathers? I already told HR that they need to update their documentation and make sure this is properly communicated moving forward to new hires.

Some days I really worry I made the wrong choice taking this job. Any and all advice welcome!

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