
New job literally has no training

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. I work in insurance (corporate). I’ve come from a medical insurance background and job which i was at for 8 years. Got a nice pay rise and was pretty excited about the new role and company. Then i started the job….. Now the company is not toxic at all and the staff and my colleagues are all actually very nice and friendly. What i can’t understand, is the complete lack of training and overall disregard to onboarding. When i started they had just had a company xmas party and 5 people in the team got covid. So the first week i understood maybe the training would be a bit shit. But it’s been 4 weeks and i’m paying claims to executives and employees of big companies and quickly realising most of them are probably wrong because no one has taken the time…

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. I work in insurance (corporate). I’ve come from a medical insurance background and job which i was at for 8 years. Got a nice pay rise and was pretty excited about the new role and company. Then i started the job…..

Now the company is not toxic at all and the staff and my colleagues are all actually very nice and friendly.

What i can’t understand, is the complete lack of training and overall disregard to onboarding.

When i started they had just had a company xmas party and 5 people in the team got covid. So the first week i understood maybe the training would be a bit shit. But it’s been 4 weeks and i’m paying claims to executives and employees of big companies and quickly realising most of them are probably wrong because no one has taken the time to walk me through basic shit.

I’ve of course asked a lot of questions, one person has helped me quite a bit, but i am open to some bullshit here because our direct number and email go out on remittances. So i’m getting calls from clients asking me things that are way out of my scope.

Not only this but during meetings i’ve slowly started realising that about 6 staff resigned pretty recently for this same reason. I’ve quite honestly in my 20 years of working never seen a place so unorganised.

Now, i’ll mention i have Aspergers, i’m high functioning and honestly only bring it up with employers because i ask for structure and training. I literally spoke about this in the interview and was guaranteed a buddy system. But there is no system at all.

On top of this, the first week at new job i start getting a pain in my back and get a CT scan and got diagnosed with a bilateral stress fracture on my lower back.

I’m now getting that dread feeling on weekends because i know as each week goes on and i get more clients i’ll either screw up more or start getting shitty enquiries, and anyone who’s dealt with this insurance before knows that some of the claims you get are seriously screwed up.

I didn’t expect this after 4 weeks. I was comfortable in my old job albeit a toxic company.

I was open and honest in the interview and expected at least some training in return. I took the plunge and got out of that old toxic job for my own wellbeing. Now i feel i’m 2 steps backwards.

After all the crap in the last 2 years i was hoping for a fresh start. I guess i’m left saving a bit and then leaving when i get the chance. What a waste of my time!

Maybe invest in your staff so that they are equipped to perform the roles that you hire them for!

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