
New Job/Rest is Resistance!

I currently work a “high”-paying, 6 figure job where I am CONSTANTLY berated, publicly humiliated in front of my team, and shamed for asking questions/seeking guidance (even though the company gave me NO training)! Don’t get me wrong – I recognize the extreme privilege that comes with my salary and I truly do feel lucky to have had the opportunity, but it’s cost my my mental health and physical health. We’re technically supposed to have unlimited paid time off, but if I even try to take half a day off 2 months in advance, its denied for no reason. I asked to take 3 hours off on a Tuesday in JUNE to take my dog to the vet and was denied by my boss, who is taking 5 consecutive weeks off to travel this summer. The company is in the billions with profits also, so there’s that. The decent paycheck…

I currently work a “high”-paying, 6 figure job where I am CONSTANTLY berated, publicly humiliated in front of my team, and shamed for asking questions/seeking guidance (even though the company gave me NO training)! Don’t get me wrong – I recognize the extreme privilege that comes with my salary and I truly do feel lucky to have had the opportunity, but it’s cost my my mental health and physical health.

We’re technically supposed to have unlimited paid time off, but if I even try to take half a day off 2 months in advance, its denied for no reason. I asked to take 3 hours off on a Tuesday in JUNE to take my dog to the vet and was denied by my boss, who is taking 5 consecutive weeks off to travel this summer. The company is in the billions with profits also, so there’s that.

The decent paycheck isn’t even worth it. I work 7am-6, 7,or 8pm every day and am absolutely exhausted on my weekends. I don’t even have time to spend the decent money I make on anything fun, can’t take time off for vacation, nothing.

All of this to say, I am likely (hopefully) taking a local job opportunity that pays less than half, but is hourly and will pay the bills without the extreme stress. I already feel the weight off of my shoulders. I just want my sanity back, my days back, and my life back.

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