
New job, shitty manager

A bit of context, I am an experienced and qualified professional with over a decade of experience in my field. I have been a manager either officially or unofficially throughout that time. I joined my current job about 6 weeks ago, after being headhunted by this company and being offered a significant payrise, which with the increasing costs of living makes total sense. I received my contract and which stated my working hours (not mentioned prior to this point) which are longer than I've previously worked, but not beyond the realms, however the early start was not something I could commit to as I do the school run in the morning. I went back to HR and stated that I couldn't accept these terms, to which they came back and agreed to a later start time with no change to my end time. So I accept. In the first week,…

A bit of context, I am an experienced and qualified professional with over a decade of experience in my field. I have been a manager either officially or unofficially throughout that time.

I joined my current job about 6 weeks ago, after being headhunted by this company and being offered a significant payrise, which with the increasing costs of living makes total sense.

I received my contract and which stated my working hours (not mentioned prior to this point) which are longer than I've previously worked, but not beyond the realms, however the early start was not something I could commit to as I do the school run in the morning.

I went back to HR and stated that I couldn't accept these terms, to which they came back and agreed to a later start time with no change to my end time. So I accept.

In the first week, I've barely seen my team as they've been away on holiday, no systems access, so I'm shadowing the guy I'm taking over and getting a feel for the compant.

Day 5, my new manager asks to have a word, sits me down then very abruptly states that he's noticed that I hadn't arrived “on time” and was leaving too early when the rest of the team were working late (4 out of 5 of my team are still away on holiday). I remind him that of the agreement prior to me joining, to which he then states, “that's not good enough, you're not showing any leadership qualities and I'll have to consider my options”, followed by, “if you were at the end of your probation, I wouldn't be hiring you”. (the tone he took, I cannot replicate in words unfortunately).

I'm taken aback, I've never had a manager talk down at me like that before. I leave his office compose myself and go back in a few minutes later to tell him that I've not had anyone talk to me like that before, but let's claify your expectations and mine that I'm not staying late for the sake of staying late. I let this first instance slide.

Fast forward a few weeks, we have a tube strike, so can't go to the office, get a call at 6pm (after working hours) to get an status update on some outstanding (prior to my joining) issues. I provide this and he seems to be happy. Following morning, before 8am (before working hours), I get a call asking for a further update. Then demands to know what time I'd be in the office, despite the trains still showing as suspended due to strike action. I get called into his office and there's that phrase “not good enough”. He's starting to piss me off.

I spend the next few weeks clearing old accounts for our suppliers that we have owed from 2020, it's a wonder these suppliers haven't cut us off already.

This brings us to today. I was invited to at meeting before working hours, which I declined explaining that I cannot attend as I'm on the school run. I get into the office and I get called into my managers office, he asks why I didn't attend, I explain to him again the same reason, that I'm on a school run and it's impossible for me to be attending a meeting at that time, besides, this was agreed prior to me joining. His response “so that's it, that's your answer”, to which I respond, “what else do you want me to say”, then the infamous “not good enough” comes out followed by a “just get out”. I snap at this point and tell him “how fucking dare you talk to me like that”. Walk straight to HR and raise a grievance against him.

He got taken to the MD and spent the rest of the day hiding in his office. I don't think he's ever had anyone stand up to him before. I suspect there will be consequences, but fuck working for a bully.

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