
New job with no training

Started a new job about a month ago. I was literally shown my desk and was given no guidance on anything. I’m trying to just learn the processes of the organization, but I have little to no support. I’m being placed on conference calls and not given any context of what these calls are about, and I’m being asked questions I obviously do not have the answers to. It is getting to a point of embarrassment. I went through something similar with my prior organization and it really affected my mental health and I’m afraid that I have a joined another fire. Where are the companies that provide support for their employees and don’t set them up to fail? You can only sink or swim to a certain point until you are essentially useless. My email inbox was literally blown up with all types of issues from different departments on…

Started a new job about a month ago. I was literally shown my desk and was given no guidance on anything. I’m trying to just learn the processes of the organization, but I have little to no support. I’m being placed on conference calls and not given any context of what these calls are about, and I’m being asked questions I obviously do not have the answers to. It is getting to a point of embarrassment. I went through something similar with my prior organization and it really affected my mental health and I’m afraid that I have a joined another fire. Where are the companies that provide support for their employees and don’t set them up to fail? You can only sink or swim to a certain point until you are essentially useless.

My email inbox was literally blown up with all types of issues from different departments on my second day. It seems this is a lot of putting out fires but I am afraid there is way too many issues systemically within the organization that are not really salvageable. I am the head of revenue, and I am seeing so many flaws between the way our billing system is configured and the way our contracts are set up that I ’m having a hard time prioritizing what to look at as a focus and obviously I’m putting the pressure on myself to try and solve all of these problems. Any advice would be appreciated.

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