
New schedules came out and I’m scheduled to work for the next 10 days

Fuck my personal life I guess. I get burnt out from 5 days. How the heck am I going to do 10? OT sounds nice but time and a half is only $22.5 for me. What bothers me the most is my vacation getting denied. I requested 5 days off to see my parents and celebrate Cambodian New Years with them next week. I let them know 2 months ahead of time. Guess I won’t be celebrating with them this year.

Fuck my personal life I guess. I get burnt out from 5 days. How the heck am I going to do 10? OT sounds nice but time and a half is only $22.5 for me.

What bothers me the most is my vacation getting denied. I requested 5 days off to see my parents and celebrate Cambodian New Years with them next week. I let them know 2 months ahead of time. Guess I won’t be celebrating with them this year.

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