
New World, different economy, and we are playing by the old rules. We need to coin new phrases and terms that make injustice more apparent, just like the overlords use the media companies they own to do the opposite. Its 4D chess and poor ppl are losing.

Cockroach Economics- money funnels upward and the roaches fight over whats left. I don’t think trickle down economics was ever legitimately a thing. Just another move in 4D chess where the lobbyists make all the moves. Help me out, I know some of you can do better.

Cockroach Economics- money funnels upward and the roaches fight over whats left.
I don’t think trickle down economics was ever legitimately a thing. Just another move in 4D chess where the lobbyists make all the moves. Help me out, I know some of you can do better.

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