
No bonus after a year of promises

This happened today and I thought this belongs here. My husband works at a small construction company in a decent sized college town. The boss buys various properties- houses, apartment buildings, etc. and will either rent them to the college students, Airbnb or sell them for a very decent profit. This year those guys had completely remodeled 4 houses and 10 apartment sites. On the side, him and his coworkers (6 or 7 in total) did work for him at his house and at his cottage- both are extremely nice from what I hear. Last year during the Christmas party, the boss had promised $1000 bonus next year (this year) if everyone busted their asses and blah blah blah. The guys were obviously motivated by this incentive and so many of them put in OT, worked weekends and went above and beyond meeting the boss man’s impossible standards and strenuous…

This happened today and I thought this belongs here.

My husband works at a small construction company in a decent sized college town. The boss buys various properties- houses, apartment buildings, etc. and will either rent them to the college students, Airbnb or sell them for a very decent profit. This year those guys had completely remodeled 4 houses and 10 apartment sites. On the side, him and his coworkers (6 or 7 in total) did work for him at his house and at his cottage- both are extremely nice from what I hear.

Last year during the Christmas party, the boss had promised $1000 bonus next year (this year) if everyone busted their asses and blah blah blah. The guys were obviously motivated by this incentive and so many of them put in OT, worked weekends and went above and beyond meeting the boss man’s impossible standards and strenuous deadlines.

Today, boss man let everyone know that there will be no bonus. The reason: the project manager who was in charge of the bonuses was fired in March. Naturally, everyone is pissed.

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