
No longer getting my Christmas bonus because I was late one day for forgetting a vital medical device at home

At my job, from September to December, if you don’t miss a single day or are late, you get a $500 bonus. If you miss a day or are late, you get nothing. We also are forced to take the week after Christmas off with no pay. But because I apparently forgot my medical device I will die without and was maybe 5 minutes late one day, I am no longer eligible for this $500 that I was extremely heavily relying on. Fuck this lmao

At my job, from September to December, if you don’t miss a single day or are late, you get a $500 bonus. If you miss a day or are late, you get nothing. We also are forced to take the week after Christmas off with no pay. But because I apparently forgot my medical device I will die without and was maybe 5 minutes late one day, I am no longer eligible for this $500 that I was extremely heavily relying on. Fuck this lmao

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