
No one talks about this when they say get a better paying job

While some of us have outright toxic work environments, others don’t. On this subreddit we hear about people leaving toxic, low-paying jobs for higher paying jobs. Which is great! However, some of us find ourselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. We stay at low-paying jobs because we like our coworkers and the work environment is nice BUT are too scared of leaving our current job because we don’t want to end up with a high paying job that might have a toxic work environment. Of course, all situations are unique and everyone faces different hardships. But I just thought I’d give my two cents on why “get a higher paying job” isn’t always an easy decision, especially if you like your current coworkers.

While some of us have outright toxic work environments, others don’t. On this subreddit we hear about people leaving toxic, low-paying jobs for higher paying jobs. Which is great! However, some of us find ourselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. We stay at low-paying jobs because we like our coworkers and the work environment is nice BUT are too scared of leaving our current job because we don’t want to end up with a high paying job that might have a toxic work environment. Of course, all situations are unique and everyone faces different hardships. But I just thought I’d give my two cents on why “get a higher paying job” isn’t always an easy decision, especially if you like your current coworkers.

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