
No promotion/Underpaid

Should I stay? I had a meeting with my boss several months ago saying I wanted to discuss a promotion and change in what I do. (see raise) Data management, basically. He dodged and kept giving me the runaround, saying things like let's keep the discussion going. We haven't kept the discussion going. That was the end of it. Some background: I have a Master's in Library and Information Science. I have worked for this company for six years. Never had any write ups or problems, only praise. I am severely underpaid. People in my position are making six figures in other companies. I told my boss this… He made sure to know my work was appreciated. I guess it's not appreciated monetarily. The thing is, I have a pension, a lot of PTO, good coworkers, and other than this instance, I like my boss. What do you think?

Should I stay?

I had a meeting with my boss several months ago saying I wanted to discuss a promotion and change in what I do. (see raise) Data management, basically. He dodged and kept giving me the runaround, saying things like let's keep the discussion going. We haven't kept the discussion going. That was the end of it.

Some background: I have a Master's in Library and Information Science. I have worked for this company for six years. Never had any write ups or problems, only praise. I am severely underpaid. People in my position are making six figures in other companies.

I told my boss this… He made sure to know my work was appreciated. I guess it's not appreciated monetarily.

The thing is, I have a pension, a lot of PTO, good coworkers, and other than this instance, I like my boss.

What do you think?

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