
No should have to work a second job unless they wanted to.

Having to find another job because I only get paid $10/hr from my first job is debilitating. I have chronic neck pain that hasn't healed from a car accident I had years ago. I shouldn't have to kill myself just to afford basic medical care because my job refuses to pay me enough. I live alone and have no kids or spouse and I still can't afford to live on a one income/full time job. I'm overworked and on top of that, money gets deducted from my paycheck to pay for parking on the company site. Now I have to get a second job when I need those afterwork hours to rest from my chronic pain. I can't get on disability or Medicaid. I tried. And I can't afford decent healthcare because I'm trying to save money any place I can.

Having to find another job because I only get paid $10/hr from my first job is debilitating. I have chronic neck pain that hasn't healed from a car accident I had years ago. I shouldn't have to kill myself just to afford basic medical care because my job refuses to pay me enough. I live alone and have no kids or spouse and I still can't afford to live on a one income/full time job. I'm overworked and on top of that, money gets deducted from my paycheck to pay for parking on the company site. Now I have to get a second job when I need those afterwork hours to rest from my chronic pain. I can't get on disability or Medicaid. I tried. And I can't afford decent healthcare because I'm trying to save money any place I can.

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