
No, two weeks notice. It’s the only power workers have. How else will abusive employers, who run right up to the limit of the law, face repercussion? Can’t sabotage systems, equipment, which is a crime. Or, steal clients.. Or even bad mouth on Glassdoor. You’ll get sued. Revenge is best served cold.

The most rewarding experience you'll ever have is sticking it to a bully boss. Half of jobs I've had were ended by me, no warning. Revenge is best served cold. Walked out on tech job 3rd day when they tried to slip a crazy non-compete document, hidden in stack of orientation material, I had to read and sign. Another time walked after 5 days, because they lied about everthing I would be doing. That was because they wanted me to develop a fake shopping site, to trick investors into thinking they had inventory and customers. They didn't. Worst, they told me I was to be trained by person who I was replacing, and not to say anything, because she had no idea she was fired. I waited five days, only long only so set them up. I needed time to get to know exactly how the scam biz worked, and…

The most rewarding experience you'll ever have is sticking it to a bully boss.

Half of jobs I've had were ended by me, no warning. Revenge is best served cold.

Walked out on tech job 3rd day when they tried to slip a crazy non-compete document, hidden in stack of orientation material, I had to read and sign.

Another time walked after 5 days, because they lied about everthing I would be doing. That was because they wanted me to develop a fake shopping site, to trick investors into thinking they had inventory and customers. They didn't.

Worst, they told me I was to be trained by person who I was replacing, and not to say anything, because she had no idea she was fired. I waited five days, only long only so set them up. I needed time to get to know exactly how the scam biz worked, and found my trainer to be very hard working and in desperate need of this shitty, scam, marketing job.

Felt empathy for her, so told her I was quitting, and the company is probably going to get busted for fraud. I hinted to her she should be thinking of quitting too.

Best, was very long, freelance gig with a very large company. They would only call me, when clueless staff(all well connected elites) failed to get their work done. Which was all the time, so it was almost full time. I was expected to drop everything, usually on Friday afternoon, before a holiday weekend. Also, the job was always some lame project, no one wanted.

As a result, I asked for more money, and if they didn't, I just doubled the billed hours. I called it the “idiot tax”.

Over the years, the calls came less, and less, as I inceased my rate. Which was fine with me. I went in for the last time, only to see if they had anything interesting. I saw they were so far behind, the board was involved. That day, I was expected to work 14 hours.. I did eight. The boss asked where I was going. I said dinner, and went home.

They called, desperate to know where I was. I didn't reply. Days went by… Threatening emails about “job desertion” “grounds for termination”.. For a freelance gig, which had been reduced to just a few days of work a year?

The memory of the shocked looks and frantic phone messages, still makes me smile. All these years later.

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