
Nobody wants to work anymore? Nah, CEOs don’t wanna work anymore.

I haven’t worked for many medium sized companies, they’ve either been small mom and pop where the owner wasn’t a piece of shit and actually showed up and cared, or a government contractor mega corporation as toxic as can be, but from my collection of information CEOs are the ones that go M.I.A, ya know, off to one of their three vacation homes to be alcoholics and send emails about their grand ideas and input on how to not actually advance their company and take the biggest piece of the pie while doing virtually nothing resembling work. I work for a medium size robotics company that was purchased out last year, and the owner and CEO was supposed to make his quarterly visit today in from his vacation house in Florida, but ya know, he’s “sick”.

I haven’t worked for many medium sized companies, they’ve either been small mom and pop where the owner wasn’t a piece of shit and actually showed up and cared, or a government contractor mega corporation as toxic as can be, but from my collection of information CEOs are the ones that go M.I.A, ya know, off to one of their three vacation homes to be alcoholics and send emails about their grand ideas and input on how to not actually advance their company and take the biggest piece of the pie while doing virtually nothing resembling work.

I work for a medium size robotics company that was purchased out last year, and the owner and CEO was supposed to make his quarterly visit today in from his vacation house in Florida, but ya know, he’s “sick”.

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