
None of us would have to be working today had private property never come to be

Hear me out before rolling your eyes away. Yes, people always worked since the dawn of time but working to have any meal on the table was a concept that came to be because of the great British enclosures. After the lords during the feudal era decided to say “what I look after is mine”, they enclosed lands and threw people working on it out of the enclosed area. These peasants who lived and worked on the land for hundred of years became homeless and hungry. Not knowing what to do, went door to door saying “we will do anything for some food and shelter”. Thats how the concept of a job was born. Take a look at this video to understand it better:

Hear me out before rolling your eyes away.

Yes, people always worked since the dawn of time but working to have any meal on the table was a concept that came to be because of the great British enclosures. After the lords during the feudal era decided to say “what I look after is mine”, they enclosed lands and threw people working on it out of the enclosed area. These peasants who lived and worked on the land for hundred of years became homeless and hungry. Not knowing what to do, went door to door saying “we will do anything for some food and shelter”. Thats how the concept of a job was born.

Take a look at this video to understand it better:

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