Ok so we currently are on slow time/NWA (no work available). I work 4 ten hour shifts per week usually. 4p to 2a.
We had a company wide meeting in late feb letting us know that we were “naturally letting 400 employees go by end of april.” Meaning, they started writing everyone up for EVERYTHING. We went from 1600 to 1200 by end of March.
No Work Available (NWA) means that everyone in our dept is on a rotation and you never know what day will be yours but 15 people must leave after working 3 hours. Everyday a new 15 people. People being absent or on vaca does keep this rotation from being consistent.
Before the NWA started, we went on slow time. We were reduced from 4 tens to 4 8s.
Now the schedule is tues 4p-2a weds 4p-1a thurs and Friday 4p to 12a and it's guaranteed thst you will be sent home once a week after 3 hours.
So 35 hours, but take away 7 no matter what.
We are getting 28 hrs max. And they are harassing us to go home early everyday. I get asked atleast 5 times a night.
We are allowed to say no but then they make sure we regret it by making us clean or sweep for the entire shift.
Also, you have to work atleast 20 hrs to qualify for the insurance….but they barely give enough hrs to even do that.
Is this normal?