
not allowed to take sick time…illegal?

I work for a severely understaffed daycare center. Most of us get here at 6:30 and most of us aren't leaving until 4:30-5:30pm. Since we work with young children, viruses go around like crazy. Nothing out of the ordinary. The boss has called out twice since I started 3 weeks ago. Today, I get there at 6:30am and see my coworker arrive looking like a zombie. Poor thing was wearing pajamas and could barely keep her eyes open. Of course I asked if she was okay. She stated she had a high fever but was required to come in anyways. I said WHAT?? I have a big mouth and immediately was like “absolutely not, where's the boss? He should be filling in WTF”. She had NO business being here today working with infants. I was angry for her. Another coworker told me it's policy openers can't call out sick. I…

I work for a severely understaffed daycare center. Most of us get here at 6:30 and most of us aren't leaving until 4:30-5:30pm.

Since we work with young children, viruses go around like crazy. Nothing out of the ordinary. The boss has called out twice since I started 3 weeks ago.

Today, I get there at 6:30am and see my coworker arrive looking like a zombie. Poor thing was wearing pajamas and could barely keep her eyes open. Of course I asked if she was okay. She stated she had a high fever but was required to come in anyways. I said WHAT?? I have a big mouth and immediately was like “absolutely not, where's the boss? He should be filling in WTF”. She had NO business being here today working with infants. I was angry for her.

Another coworker told me it's policy openers can't call out sick. I said bullshit, it's our sick time. If you have a fever you should be home and the director should be here. Seriously, we are beyond understaffed but how is that the teachers fault??

I immediately said how illegal this was. I was genuinely angry (still am). The boss waltzed in a few hours later to cover so she could go home. This poor woman had no business leaving her bed.

The coworker who told me it was policy and said it wasn't illegal because it's in their handbook. I never saw it in there but I'm wondering if this is even legal and reportable. We have sick time but aren't allowed to use it? Most of us work 10-12 hours a day and sometimes don't even get a lunch break due to no coverage. I like working here but the understaffing is 100% the worst part about being here.

I dont even know where to begin with this. Can someone kindly give advice on who to contact about this or if this is legal practice? Thank you!

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