
Not allowed to talk

My manager is super nice. Super nice. But also……it's a lot. She needs constant attention. CONSTANT. She finds herself to be so fascinating. She will spend so long telling everyone the most mundane of things. Her regular Tuesday night. The breath she took. The breath her husband took after she took a breath. She will narrate every single moment of the day that she can and make sure to announce any quirky mistake or mishap if no one was around to witness. All this could be chalked up to a personality quirk but the thing is, I'm starting to realize she is very socially controlling. I've been there a few months and other employees are reaffirming what I've picked up on. She will not let any of us talk to eachother but it's much more prominent toward us women. There are a handful of us who work in the offices.…

My manager is super nice. Super nice.

But also……it's a lot. She needs constant attention. CONSTANT. She finds herself to be so fascinating. She will spend so long telling everyone the most mundane of things. Her regular Tuesday night. The breath she took. The breath her husband took after she took a breath. She will narrate every single moment of the day that she can and make sure to announce any quirky mistake or mishap if no one was around to witness.

All this could be chalked up to a personality quirk but the thing is, I'm starting to realize she is very socially controlling. I've been there a few months and other employees are reaffirming what I've picked up on. She will not let any of us talk to eachother but it's much more prominent toward us women.

There are a handful of us who work in the offices. One woman was super nice and was hired full time accounting. She started beginning of October. She was super sweet and would chat to me here and there while she made tea. She noticed too that anytime she spoke to me, the manager came flying out. And she either interrupts with a question or just STANDS THERE AND STARES. And yesterday they fired her for a “shortage of work.” Which is absolutely bullshit.

So now I'm seeing actual tangible things come from these “vibes.” Today, a manager was in her office taking about personal holidays or New Years plans for a solid 30 minutes. Just shooting the shit. And no worries right??? There's no work to do, relax. As the manager is leaving, she sees a crew member and wishes her a happy new year. They are maybe two minutes into pleasantries and chatting when my manager comes out and just very rudely interrupts with non important information. I love these ladies. They did not acknowledge her. They just kept talking. When they were done, they acknowledged what she said.

I know talking at work is a hot button issue but obviously there is going to be some conversation at work? We are there 8-5 5 days a week. Gotta pass the time and connect somehow, no? Are we wrong for finding this rude? What should I do about it? The thing is the manager talks ALL THE TIME. ALL. THE. TIME..PEOPLE AVOID HER BECAUSE SHE NEVER SHUTS UP. So how is this fair? It seems like we aren't allowed to have independent relationships and conversations and it feels like I am being babysat and I hate it.

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