
Not Finishing My Last 3 Weeks (Teacher)

Conversation With Now EX- Boss Boss- Hey (My Name) everything okay? (Teacher) just mentioned that you had to leave? Me- Yes I did. Today is my last day. I thought I could deal with working the next three weeks and act normal and not completely gutted. It felt like you were really leaning into the idea of me being asked back. We've had so many conversations over the last couple of months and never did you tell me it wasn't looking good or anything like that. the only input I've gotten is amazing at doing my job everyone loves working with me even you. The kids love me so to me it made me think things were going in a positive way career wise for me there. I feel like I was misled I should've known how much of an “if” my position was. then we even discussed will there…

Conversation With Now EX- Boss

Boss- Hey (My Name) everything okay? (Teacher) just mentioned that
you had to leave?

Me- Yes I did. Today is my last day. I thought I could deal with working the next three weeks and act normal and not completely gutted. It felt like you were really leaning into the idea of me being asked back.
We've had so many conversations over the last couple of months and never did you tell me it wasn't looking good or anything like that. the only input I've gotten is amazing at doing my job everyone loves working with me even you. The kids love me so to me it made me think things were going in a positive way career wise for me there. I feel like I was misled I should've known how much of an “if” my position was. then we even discussed will there even be a position for a floater in Pre-K and you told me yes we need a floater in Pre-K, we are going to need you next year.
I feel like I gave so much. constantly going above and bevond what is expected for me working insane 10 1/2 hour shifts five days a week to show how dedicated I was constantly offering my help in any other place within the school and no one had the heart to tell me that there was no future for me here
So no everything is not ok

Boss-(My Name)I don’t want you to feel this way and I am so sorry you are upset. Is this something we can talk through more? I don’t want you walking away feeling like you were mislead.

Me-I’m not really sure what you could say.

Boss- You have been a positive support to our team and the kids adore you. I’m sorry there isn’t a position available for next year and I’m sorry if you feel like I mislead, that was never my intention.

                 I didn’t respond 

Extra context- I work at a private elementary school and was told I would have a position next year. This conversation I posted was after my supervisor kept ignoring my contract request via email and text. With the advisement of coworker friend to go and talk to the principal to let her know that I’m interested in returning next year so I did. The Principal seemed excited in my interest in working here next year and that she will look into it. At this point the school year ends in 3 weeks and I’ve only have been fed bits of hope Never a “hey this isn’t looking good” talk, 2 hours after talking to the principal, I get a cold short email from my supervisor stating that I will not be returning next year she gave no reasoning why only that she was sorry if had he over email and not in person. That sparked a curiosity in me. When did she plan on telling me? I know she read my emails and texts but just kept putting it off in fear of me quitting. So she rather lie to me.I was gutted but decided to finish off my last three weeks so I could properly say goodbye to everyone. I went home crying that day because I was so upset yesterday I came in with a new attitude trying to be positive but I felt hollow and sad. One of my close friend teachers that I work with saw me crying and said unemotionally “I’m sorry this job is really tough and not everyone’s cut out for it”. I couldn’t believe my hears. I was always the first teacher there in the morning and last teacher to leave. I never took time off for vacation or personal time. Teachers would constantly show up and say they have a headache and just leave after two hours but somehow I wasn’t cut out for this. After that I couldn’t be my normal goofy silly happy self so I decided to quit. These messages after after I left. I left at 1pm yesterday and turned in my badge

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