
Not gaining PTO for 6 weeks; what do I do?

I don't know if this is the right sub for this sort of thing so please direct me to an appropriate place if needed/possible. I've been looking for a new job since January (for other reasons but this just piles onto those) so I'm actively trying to leave. I work for a federal student loan servicer through a contractor, said contractor moved to a new timekeeping system 6 weeks ago, PTO has not accrued since the switch. Last Friday I started getting sick and needed to leave early so I checked my accrued time, it said 0 hours which was off. I put in for 6 hours last pay period and I should've had .46 hours left over. I've memorized these numbers and have them saved elsewhere as this was discussed on Teams when my supervisor had messaged me on 3/29 (2 days after my timecard was supposed to be…

I don't know if this is the right sub for this sort of thing so please direct me to an appropriate place if needed/possible. I've been looking for a new job since January (for other reasons but this just piles onto those) so I'm actively trying to leave. I work for a federal student loan servicer through a contractor, said contractor moved to a new timekeeping system 6 weeks ago, PTO has not accrued since the switch.

Last Friday I started getting sick and needed to leave early so I checked my accrued time, it said 0 hours which was off. I put in for 6 hours last pay period and I should've had .46 hours left over. I've memorized these numbers and have them saved elsewhere as this was discussed on Teams when my supervisor had messaged me on 3/29 (2 days after my timecard was supposed to be approved by him and 2 days before I was to be paid) to go over my submitted schedule because it wasn't allowing him to approve me to be paid because the system said I only had .46 hours of PTO available. So we fiddled with my hours trying different combos to get it to work and it finally allowed 6 hours to go through after several tries. I went back last Friday to look at hours I used PTO to make sure I wasn't missing something and the 6 hours that had gone through on 3/29 has now been changed to 4.77 and my PTO has been zeroed out.

Today is the start of a new pay period and I didn't accrue PTO for the last pay period. Now I'm fully sick and can't call in or leave early, I don't know what else I can do other than sit and keep working because I can't afford to not work and have a final warning for “unapproved” leave; sick but no doctors note or previously set appointment that interfered with a schedule that I got switched to without notice.

I've gone over my contract; it states for every 8hrs worked, 1hr is to accrue of PTO. I've spoken to my supervisor and his supervisor, they both told me they see that I used it all up. I was pulled to train for a higher position (no pay raise for that but whatever) 4 weeks ago but nothing in my contract states I cannot accrue PTO while in training and I've accrued in previous training periods.

Has anyone experienced something similar or does anyone have any advice on what I can do?

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