
Not many u.s. states require employers to give breaks

I just learned this today after looking up to see if my job is going against the law by not giving breaks or anywhere to even sit down during 8-10 hour shifts. There's nothing, and based on a quick Google search there are only 9 states that legally require employers to give breaks. I KINDA knew this going in but not this bad, but I still think this is disgusting, especially given that we get done with our tasks fairly quickly (including cleaning) usually halfway or 3/4 of the way through our shift. Yet the atmosphere is if you don't pull more tasks out of thin air or if you find something to sit on (because I WILL lol) you're lazy or not doing your job. They would rather you just stand in one place possibly destroying your knee cartilage, getting plantar fasciitis, or any other well documented ways that…

I just learned this today after looking up to see if my job is going against the law by not giving breaks or anywhere to even sit down during 8-10 hour shifts. There's nothing, and based on a quick Google search there are only 9 states that legally require employers to give breaks. I KINDA knew this going in but not this bad, but I still think this is disgusting, especially given that we get done with our tasks fairly quickly (including cleaning) usually halfway or 3/4 of the way through our shift. Yet the atmosphere is if you don't pull more tasks out of thin air or if you find something to sit on (because I WILL lol) you're lazy or not doing your job. They would rather you just stand in one place possibly destroying your knee cartilage, getting plantar fasciitis, or any other well documented ways that standing for prolonged periods destroys your body lol looks like im on the job hunt again…

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