
Not sure if this is the company for me.

Not sure if this is the company for me. So I’ve only been in the CSR world for about 10 months. And I need some advice on this. So when I was fist hired I was told I’d get my raise after first 3 months which is standard I was making about 8.00 which isn’t much higher than minimum wage in the state I live in. Also don’t help that cost of living is pretty high. But I’ll take what I can get. I was also told that I would be getting a dollar per call w/ 9 hrs and the occasional Saturday which would mean some serious overtime. What I was not informed of is that’s only during Tax Season the rest of the year is 8 hrs same pay and that’s it and absolutely 0 overtime. If I get picked to work a Saturday (6 hr day) I’m…

Not sure if this is the company for me.

So I’ve only been in the CSR world for about 10 months. And I need some advice on this. So when I was fist hired I was told I’d get my raise after first 3 months which is standard I was making about 8.00 which isn’t much higher than minimum wage in the state I live in. Also don’t help that cost of living is pretty high. But I’ll take what I can get. I was also told that I would be getting a dollar per call w/ 9 hrs and the occasional Saturday which would mean some serious overtime. What I was not informed of is that’s only during Tax Season the rest of the year is 8 hrs same pay and that’s it and absolutely 0 overtime. If I get picked to work a Saturday (6 hr day) I’m required to take a week day off, so it’s mandatory. Aside from my 3 month grace period which the raise was .50 btw I’ve only had 1 raise. And the only way to get a raise is after tax season you and the supervisor will sit in their office and look at all your stat’s from beginning of tax season to the end. If you qualify for a raise you then have to wait a few weeks before you actually get it. So I already know what some people may ask, why are you still there at 10 months. Because the state I live in, the rent is 1500 monthly and I barely get by and I can’t afford to get a new job and wait 3 months for a decent pay. So should I stay and keep my burnout streak going or should I cut my losses and just pray I find something better?

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