There is a gas company near me that supplies gas for 18 Exxon stores in my area(VA). All of the stores have gas anywhere from $.30-$.60 higher than the competition, including stores right next door or across the street.
The company knows this and refuses to lower their prices (I know the owners of one of the stores). Instead they’ve monopolized on the Exxon branded gas in the area and are price gouging the hell out of everyone.
The guy I was speaking about previously (owner of one of the exxons) has other stores and can charge $.45 less per gallon at his other stores where he buys his own gas.
I work at the Exxon and it’s been hurting our business for a while (over a year now), is there any recourse we can take to get the gas company to stop? We just want to remain competitive so customers keep coming. We’re right off a busy interstate exit and the customers just see the gas price and drive off unless they have an Exxon card or prefer Exxon gas.
A little more info, this gas company wasn’t always like this, but the owner passed away and one of his relatives took over and apparently won’t listen to any of the store owners. They actually own the property at these stores so we have no say in the gas prices, just all the inventory and everything belongs to my boss.
TLDR: Is there a way to report a gas company for price gouging whether it be through Exxon or a local representative?