
Not sure where I went wrong

I should also say this happened a year ago but recently found this sub and wanted to know more of what I could’ve done. At my job there were very narrow walkways and I (18F) began to notice a male (≈30year old) coworker would rub his whole frontside on the back of me every time he walked by (should also mention he was overweight). Not only that he would sometimes grab my hips while he walked by. It would happen every time, several times a day, I lost count. I talked to my family and other female coworkers who claimed he did it to them too, everyone thought it would be a good idea to bring it up with my boss. So the next day I tell my boss and she was very sweet about it and told me she will have a talk with him and apparently, I wasn’t…

I should also say this happened a year ago but recently found this sub and wanted to know more of what I could’ve done.

At my job there were very narrow walkways and I (18F) began to notice a male (≈30year old) coworker would rub his whole frontside on the back of me every time he walked by (should also mention he was overweight). Not only that he would sometimes grab my hips while he walked by. It would happen every time, several times a day, I lost count. I talked to my family and other female coworkers who claimed he did it to them too, everyone thought it would be a good idea to bring it up with my boss.

So the next day I tell my boss and she was very sweet about it and told me she will have a talk with him and apparently, I wasn’t the first to bring it up! So I felt pretty confident in my decision. Anyways, I went home and felt super relieved but when I showed up for my next shift the male coworker was literally giving me the silent treatment. I ignored it but it went on for a couple days but he was doing the same with a couple other girls and little did I know they spoke up about him to my boss too! They told me that my boss told this male coworker what we said to her about him. If I knew she would be telling him what I said I 100% would have never spoken up.

I talked with my family and my dad said I should try talking to my boss again. I was super nervous since I’ve never done anything like that but I talked to her the next day and she proceeds to tell me she has to tell him who said those things based on the work laws (I don’t remember the name she gave it, she’s also the manager of a fast food chain so). I just agreed and dropped it, she switched me to night shift so I wouldn’t work with him, later he was transferred where other women said the same then more recently found that this happened at his job prior to working with me.

What I’d like to know is at what point did I go wrong? Or what could I have done differently for a better outcome?

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