
Not taking shit anymore

Been working in the corporate/sales world since I graduated many many years ago. I’m not going to be trying hard at work anymore. I’m not going to be going above and beyond for my team. Why!? You may ask…. Because you can’t treat me like a non-human and “threaten” to terminate or write me up when I have done NOTHING wrong. I have another CHILD on the way and if you think you can just flex your authority on me I will make sure I take all my vacation and paternity leave and happily quit when you expect me to return.

Been working in the corporate/sales world since I graduated many many years ago.

I’m not going to be trying hard at work anymore.

I’m not going to be going above and beyond for my team.

Why!? You may ask….

Because you can’t treat me like a non-human and “threaten” to terminate or write me up when I have done NOTHING wrong. I have another CHILD on the way and if you think you can just flex your authority on me I will make sure I take all my vacation and paternity leave and happily quit when you expect me to return.

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