
Nothing special, just screw the founder-owner of my company.

We had a godawful “quarterly meeting” today and it was just a reminder of how I wish the places I’ve been applying to would cut their “hiring freeze” crap and have a more reasonable discussion with me. We have a founder-owner as our company head. He started rambling about how we were going to go four days a week in office “and no one is getting Covid anymore.” I had to turn off my camera because I was pretty ticked off – I literally just had Covid and so did my mother, who lost nearly two weeks of work at a small business who is spotty about paying PTO. It’s no a problem for him, even if it screws up everything for us, as usual. He started whining about the taxes he has to pay as a joke and the irritation it must give him gave me a warm fuzzy…

We had a godawful “quarterly meeting” today and it was just a reminder of how I wish the places I’ve been applying to would cut their “hiring freeze” crap and have a more reasonable discussion with me.

We have a founder-owner as our company head. He started rambling about how we were going to go four days a week in office “and no one is getting Covid anymore.” I had to turn off my camera because I was pretty ticked off – I literally just had Covid and so did my mother, who lost nearly two weeks of work at a small business who is spotty about paying PTO. It’s no a problem for him, even if it screws up everything for us, as usual. He started whining about the taxes he has to pay as a joke and the irritation it must give him gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Then, he started rambling about what a genius he is because he’s invented a children’s educational toy on the side and we all must hear him drone on about this, even though it has virtually no relevance to us, as we work with the stock market.

Then, they had a raffle and a stockbroker I work with won a gift card. I’ve done the math that she makes between $400-500k minimum a year in commissions. Instead of thinking of gifting it (perhaps even to an unknown person who had a recent birthday and just recovered from Covid), she also rambled about what she’d use the gift card on, to a Zoom audience who virtually all make less.

It was a nice reminder that these are royally narcissistic assholes and I should never ever work too hard here.

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