

I love this subreddit……but…..I sure see a lot of stories about a shitty boss, company, etc where the employee gets mad, either finds another job or doesn’t, then gives notice. Why y’all giving notice? There is no law requiring it. A company doesn’t own you. You don’t have to work there for two weeks if you don’t want to. They won’t give you notice if they’re going to fire you. If you have another job in the wings, take a two week vacation then start your new job. Also, for those out there with shitty bosses and working for shitty companies, gig work only takes a day or so to qualify for. It’s not a great long term income, but it can definitely get you by while you’re looking for something better if you wanna give that boss the finger and walk the F out of that job with no…

I love this subreddit……but…..I sure see a lot of stories about a shitty boss, company, etc where the employee gets mad, either finds another job or doesn’t, then gives notice. Why y’all giving notice? There is no law requiring it. A company doesn’t own you. You don’t have to work there for two weeks if you don’t want to. They won’t give you notice if they’re going to fire you. If you have another job in the wings, take a two week vacation then start your new job. Also, for those out there with shitty bosses and working for shitty companies, gig work only takes a day or so to qualify for. It’s not a great long term income, but it can definitely get you by while you’re looking for something better if you wanna give that boss the finger and walk the F out of that job with no notice. But for real, unless you really need a reference(why would you put a shitty boss down as one anyway), fuck giving notice. Leave them high and dry!

Keep fighting!

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