
Now I know what a terrible boss is

I’m sorry for the long post, but I need to vent somewhere. I started a new job in June this last year. It’s a small office with 3 other employees and an owner (accounting firm). It started off not so bad, but quickly realized it wasn’t a fit for me. We were understaffed for the amount of clients we had and were expected to work weekends to keep up. There were several other red flags that came up including a high turnover rate, the fact that the owner had been exiled from a larger practice, and hints about a bonus that never came to fruition. On top of these she was a huge micromanager that constantly spoke down to her employees or ordered them to do something for her, rather than ask, and didn’t ever say thank you. The nail in the coffin for me was when I was told…

I’m sorry for the long post, but I need to vent somewhere.

I started a new job in June this last year. It’s a small office with 3 other employees and an owner (accounting firm). It started off not so bad, but quickly realized it wasn’t a fit for me. We were understaffed for the amount of clients we had and were expected to work weekends to keep up.

There were several other red flags that came up including a high turnover rate, the fact that the owner had been exiled from a larger practice, and hints about a bonus that never came to fruition. On top of these she was a huge micromanager that constantly spoke down to her employees or ordered them to do something for her, rather than ask, and didn’t ever say thank you.

The nail in the coffin for me was when I was told by her that “I was lucky I had church on Sunday morning and didn’t have to work like everyone else”. I started looking for a new job shortly after.

I received an offer at a larger firm that seems to respect their employees and put in my two weeks. She’s had a history of lying/trying to manipulate, so I had this discussion over the phone with my wife present as a witness. During the call, she tried to convince me to stay by promising a promotion, along with the other employee at my level, this summer. When I turned it down, she resulted to personal attacks questioning my loyalty and dedication to the firm.

For the first of my two weeks (last week), I worked my ass off and did my best to wrap up the jobs I was working on in order to discredit anything she may have said about me to my coworkers.

Today, at the start of my final week, she hosted a team call in which she proudly announced that my coworker was being promoted effective immediately along with a pay increase. She also mentioned that she was looking for new employees on indeed, but was open to referrals to ensure “we don’t hire someone who will only be here for just 6 months”. I understand telling the team about the promotion, but it all felt very targeted. Especially because she had told me when trying to convince me to stay that we would both be promoted this summer (wife witnessed it).

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Only 4.5 more days of this and can’t wait for the new job.

Tldr: I’ve had great bosses in the past and now know what it’s like to work for a terrible one.

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