
Now I’m not Allowed to talk about… ANYTHING personal at work?!

So I logged in a minute late on accident. I had been reading an article about Colorado tags and mentioned, “sorry, was late because I just found out they are charging late fees for expired plates…” Five minutes later my supervisor sent a fucking nastigram about how I just announced that my personal issues were more important and that… I mean, just WHAT…? I literally only shared because there are other people who WFH that live in Colorado and I thought it was relevant. So now we're at the point where I officially cannot say anything, and I mean ANYTHING in chat at work. I'm actually at the point of tears now, because this has basically cut me off from having any contact with any coworkers, BECAUSE I'M SO AFRAID TO POST IN CHAT NOW. Not only do people announce their personal shit CONSTANTLY but they are literally signed in…

So I logged in a minute late on accident. I had been reading an article about Colorado tags and mentioned, “sorry, was late because I just found out they are charging late fees for expired plates…”

Five minutes later my supervisor sent a fucking nastigram about how I just announced that my personal issues were more important and that… I mean, just WHAT…? I literally only shared because there are other people who WFH that live in Colorado and I thought it was relevant.

So now we're at the point where I officially cannot say anything, and I mean ANYTHING in chat at work. I'm actually at the point of tears now, because this has basically cut me off from having any contact with any coworkers, BECAUSE I'M SO AFRAID TO POST IN CHAT NOW.

Not only do people announce their personal shit CONSTANTLY but they are literally signed in while doing it, saying, as my supervisor would view it, that their personal life is more important.

So I've fucking had it. I'm about to walk out and apply for unemployment and say I had to leave due to no fault of my own because of a toxic work environment.

Does anyone know what I can do here? If you've read my other posts, you can see there's been a history of this non stop issue where they keep trying to paint me as unprofessional, using things like typos against me.


I reported harassment from another employee when I started there and frankly it's been non stop. I really need a lawyer but I'm not sure they would view this as harassment yet. I've been constantly “coached” and never written up for professionalism, and then my supervisor swears during coachings and meetings. He talks about his personal life non stop. I'm sitting here trying not to break down because I'm so stressed now. My boyfriend assumes that since I keep getting yelled at, that it must be my fault at this point and so I literally have no one on my side about this. I can't talk to coworkers because it's all in chat and recorded.

Is feeling like I'm not allowed to speak a hostile work environment?? I don't know how they made a WFH position toxic but they did.

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