
Now that it’s summer, my boss wants me to work more hours

But I really don’t want to. I’m a college student and I just graduated last week from community college and I’m about to head to state school in the fall. Yesterday was my first day back at work since my graduation and they hit me with “do you want to pick up more hours? If not can you at least come in 30 minutes early on your half day to help us out?” I’ll be honest, I don’t want to. I already work more hours than I was hired for and the past semester was really draining. I kind of want to just relax and fill my time with things I want to do in the mean time before I have to head back to school. I did tell them I would have to think about it and they were pushy, saying “alright get back to me in 10 minutes.”…

But I really don’t want to. I’m a college student and I just graduated last week from community college and I’m about to head to state school in the fall. Yesterday was my first day back at work since my graduation and they hit me with “do you want to pick up more hours? If not can you at least come in 30 minutes early on your half day to help us out?”

I’ll be honest, I don’t want to. I already work more hours than I was hired for and the past semester was really draining. I kind of want to just relax and fill my time with things I want to do in the mean time before I have to head back to school.

I did tell them I would have to think about it and they were pushy, saying “alright get back to me in 10 minutes.” I think It was a joke but it didn’t really sit right with me and I told them I still needed more time. Then at the end of the day they brought it up again but they weren’t nice about it, saying “so what’s going on, what time can you come in tomorrow (my half day).”

I told them I definitely couldn’t come in that early tomorrow and would get back to them on it. I feel like when I say I’ll get back to you on it, it at least means give me a day or two.

Now I’m going in today and I feel like I have to give an answer, and with the little time I had to think about it it’s still a no because I like my current schedule and I’m able to live comfortably and put a good amount to my savings still. Plus I want to do a side hustle and art commissions in the mean time rather than my 9-5.

Is it wrong to not take on more work since I can, but I don’t want to?

Tl;dr: my boss is pushing me to work more hours/ come in a little earlier since it’s summer break but I don’t want to. Now I feel bad because I don’t want to.

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