
[NY] Need some advice

I am writing this letter because on Saturday, February 11th, a horrible incident happened at work. Since this day, I have had really bad anxiety. I was requested by Popular Rental company at the airport to be permanent Rover on Saturdays from 3 to midnight. I accepted the request because I enjoyed working with customers directly. Well, at about 10:40, there was a customer that I was checking in and he was explaining to me that his car was dirty on pickup. He told me that he found three Cheerios behind his seat and some in his arm rest. I told the customer I was very sorry it didn’t meet his standards and that I would note it for him. I finished checking him in and he asked if he could get something off his bill. I told him the manager had left for the day but he could voice…

I am writing this letter because on Saturday, February 11th, a horrible incident happened at work. Since this day, I have had really bad anxiety.

I was requested by Popular Rental company at the airport to be permanent Rover on Saturdays from 3 to midnight. I accepted the request because I enjoyed working with customers directly.

Well, at about 10:40, there was a customer that I was checking in and he was explaining to me that his car was dirty on pickup. He told me that he found three Cheerios behind his seat and some in his arm rest.

I told the customer I was very sorry it didn’t meet his standards and that I would note it for him. I finished checking him in and he asked if he could get something off his bill. I told him the manager had left for the day but he could voice his concerns in the morning.

The customer opened the trunk and got his things. Then he asked for a printed receipt. I told him the printers were down but I could write up a paper so he could get a copy inside. He said ok and asked for the keys back.

I told him that once the car is checked in that I keep the keys to give to the cleaners. Then he asked it again and I told him again. Then he asked a third time in a very loud voice.

I remained calm and said the same. He told me I was trying to steal his car. He said “give me my damn keys.” He said how do I know you are an Popular Rental company at the airport employee.

I told him that I could verify his information on the scanner. That was not good enough so I volunteered a few times to walk in with him to the Popular Rental company at the airport desk so they could verify who I was. He then grabbed my hand very hard and I said “Why are you acting crazy.” He screamed “I will show you crazy”and started aggressively coming towards me.

I knew he was about to hurt me so I threw the keys at his feet and ran towards the van and got in and called the manager. I could barely speak because I was crying so hard.

Adam, the manager, called the police. I told the police and they went into the airport. They assured me that they would not allow him back into the area. The front desk called me and asked what happened. I told them and they said the police didn’t question the man even after he admitted to the desk he grabbed me (which was assault).

He came back out to the garage and glared at me. A couple of drivers saw me crying and one stayed with me because I was too scared to continue working. The man went to a car parked in front of where I was parked.

I was so scared I couldn’t finish checking in the customer. The man looked so angry as he came out of the terminal.

I was still visibly shaking all over. When he drove off he left very slowly. I watched as he slowly left as if he was going to hurt me. I called Kimberly(manager for Maintenance) when I got home. I was thinking this was horrible timing. She was going on vacation and they expected me to return on Saturday.

A few days passed and I contacted the assistant manager Don and told him I could possibly do it if I had something with the Popular Rental company at the airport logo so this situation would not happen again.

Don(assistant manager for Maintenance) contacted them and they told him that they put that customer on the do not rent list and let me borrow an Popular Rental company at the airport jacket while on duty.

I went to work the following Saturday and felt safe because the guy couldn’t come back and I was dressed in their gear.

Today, Monday the 20th, I was asked to cover Austin(co-worker)for an hour while he was at a doctor’s appointment with his girlfriend. Afterwards, Austin asked if I could walk the keys in. I looked a few feet ahead of me and there was the customer who assaulted me….

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but then I saw him up close, and it was him standing a few feet from me get keys to a rental. I was talking with the renting agent and she saw my face. I explained to her what happened and she looked him up.

He was not on the list. Benjamin(boss for rental company)overheard us and asked what we were talking about. I said the incident that happened on Saturday.

He knew nothing about it. He assured me that he would handle it. I texted him a few minutes later because I couldn’t believe that they lied to me.

They told me and the assistant manager that he was on the list. It wasn’t something either of us requested. So why lie??

Benjamin(boss for rental company) called me in and basically told me that since the police didn’t do anything and that the guy had a good rental record that they wouldn’t do anything. Also, he pointed out that I had taken off my jacket some time before I went out to help this customer.

I didn’t think about it at the time, but it had gotten very warm in the van so I took it off. So according to Benjamin(boss for rental company), me not wearing my vest somehow made this attack my fault. I even told him that his counter people can confirm that he admitted that he grabbed the girl (me). I truly believe that they lied to me because they needed me to fill the Rover position on Saturday.

They didn’t care about my safety or make a real plan to keep me safe. I also spoke with the other Rovers and they both had incidents similar to mine.

Benjamin(boss for rental company)admitted that he saw the customer being aggressive towards me but obviously that was okay. I haven’t slept well and I thought after the lies they told me that I could return safely to my job. Don(assistant manager for Maintenance)told me that he was also upset because he delivered these lies to me.

I don’t want to return to work until some fair resolution is made (if at all). This whole situation is causing me mental anguish. I love being Rover, but knowing my life and mental health mean nothing to Maintenance, makes my life there very hard.

Second email sent by me a few minutes later:

“If the safety of the employees mainly myself is less important than the money that a customer is spending then I’m not comfortable working for this company. I was assaulted by a customer with no recourse because he rents frequently.

His frequent rental history assured me that he will be back and that it’s likely that I’ll encounter him again. I never asked that he be removed but obviously then telling me that LIE shows what the MINIMUM response should be to protect an employee such as myself and prevent a hostile work environment.

I was traumatized and to think that the very next day I return to work, I have to see him again? What could happen next to me?”

Email after she(Linda Hr for Maintenance)claimed she didn’t received the first two and then didn’t contact me after I re-sent the first two!!! ( She still has not answered me…in any form!!)

Third email sent days after Linda claimed she didn’t receive the first two:

“Good morning….

I am writing this letter because I haven’t received a call back from you. You said you would call back after you said didn’t receive the two emails I sent on Monday, 20th of February.

As I discussed in the email, I am scared about return to work without some safety plan. Since I was assaulted by a customer and saw him less than a week later. I know that there will be more meetings.
I would like to know where Maintenance stands on protecting me.”

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